Standard Library
CProgress Class
This class inherits from
and is designed to be used without without being inherited. An instance of
this class will display a modeless Message Box with the current process
listed. This gives the user an indication of a task's progress. The
message box has three parts that can be set: the window title, the message
heading, and the message body. Normally, the window title and message
heading are set upon creation and the message body is changed as various
processes are completed. However, with this class, it is possible to have
three "levels" of messages that are used to inform the user of the progress of a
certain task. To use this class, access the appropriate member functions
and variables as follows:
- CProgress(CString Title, CString Heading, CWnd* pParent = NULL)
CProgress(CString Title, CWnd* pParent = NULL)
CProgress(CWnd* pParent = NULL)
- These are the constructors. They initialize the data members and
create the message dialog box from a template in VASOLBP.DLL with an ID of
406. The third version sets the window title to "Processing Progress"; the
first and second versions set it to Title. The second and third versions
set the message heading to "Attempting to complete the process. Please
Wait..."; the first version sets it to Heading.
- void CProgress::DisconnectWindow()
- This public member function destroys the dialog box and releases all
allocated resources.
void CProgress::SetTitle(CString Title, CString Heading)
- This public member function sets the window title and the message box
heading to the specified strings..
- void CProgress::SetTitle(CString Title)
- This public member function sets the window title to the specified
void CProgress::SetHeading(CString Heading)
- This public member function sets the message box heading to the specified
- void CProgress::MessageBox(CString Message,
BOOL Cancel = FALSE)
- This public member function sets the message body to the specified
string. Based on the setting of Cancel, the CANCEL button on the message
box is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). Note that the CProgress::Up
data member is set to Cancel.
- void CProgress::MessageBox(CString Message, CString Two,
BOOL Cancel = FALSE)
- This public member function performs a
CProgress::MessageBox(Message + Two, Cancel).
virtual void CProgress::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
- This public member function may be inherited. If so, be sure to call
the base class function as it performs Dynamic Data Exchange with the dialog
- virtual void CProgress::OnCancel()
- This public member function disables the CANCEL button on the message box
and sets the CProgress::Up data member to FALSE. Note that, if the CANCEL
button has been activated, the CProgress::Up data member should be examined by
the instantiating class often during the task to determine if processes should
virtual BOOL CProgress::DestroyWindow()
- This public member function performs a CProgress::OnCancel() so
that closing the message box will only issue a "cancel" rather than turning off
the task progress notification.
- void CProgress::Creation()
- This member function may be inherited, but it should not be, as its purpose
is to perform the common functions required in the creation of the class and
dialog box.
- BOOL CProgress::Up
- This public data member indicates the status of the dialog box CANCEL
button. If the instantiating class has activated the cancel button for a
task, this data member should be examined often to determine if the user would
like the task cancelled.
- CString CProgress::Heading
- This data member may be inherited. It is used by
CProgress::DoDataExchange() to show the specified message heading
in the message box.
- CString CProgress::Process
- This data member may be inherited. It is used by
CProgress::DoDataExchange() to show the specified message body in
the message box.
- CString CProgress::Title
- This data member may be inherited. It is used to store the window
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