Titus Information Systems, Inc.

Standard Library
CPrintFile Class

An instance of this class is used by an application to send data directly to a printing device using the Escape function of the display context.  Normally this data is read from a file, but strings, including configuration data, may be sent directly from the application.

This is the constructor.  It initializes the data members.
This is the destructor.  It releases any allocated data members.
BOOL CPrintFile::Start()
This member function displays a CPrintDialog dialog box to get the printer device and initializes a display context for it.
BOOL CPrintFile::SendFile(CString FileName)
This member function sends the contents of the binary file to the display context initialized with the CPrintFile::Start() member function.  Specify the path name of the output file in FileName.
void CPrintFile::End()
This member function ends the display context initiated with the CPrintFile::Start() member function.

[ CBinaryFile | TCommandLineInfo | CCommaFile | TDateCtrl | CDDE | CDdeClient | CDdeServer ]
[ CDirectoryLocator | CDirectoryDialog | CDirectoryFind | CDirectoryNew | CFileCopy | TFrameWnd ]
[ InterfaceExcel | CMaintFn | CProcDialog | TPrintDialog | CProcPropertyPage ]
[ CProgress | CRegistry | CSDisCreate | CSDisFile | CSDisPage | CSDisView | CTableFile ]
[ CTaskIcon | TPresent | TTime | TDate | TDateTime | CTransferData | TWinApp | CXlTable ]

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