Standard Library
CFileCopy Class
This class gives the application an efficient method of copying or installing
multiple files from and/or to the same location. If destination files are
in use, they may be set to install on the next workstation restart. This
class may be instantiated to provide file copy services. The public member
functions are as follows:
- CFileCopy::CFileCopy()
- This is the constructor. It initializes the data members.
- BOOL CFileCopy::Source(CString path)
- This member function is called to store the directory (folder) that is the
source (from) of files that need copying. All files that are copied by
this class, except for the CFileCopy::Send() member function, will
originate from the directory specified in path.
BOOL CFileCopy::Destination(CString path)
- This member function is called to store the directory (folder) that is the
destination (to) of files that need copying. All files that are copied by
this class will be placed in the directory specified in path.
- BOOL CFileCopy::Copy(CString name)
- This member function copies the specified file from the source directory
(folder) to the destination directory. The file will be copied using the
same name for the destination file as the source.
- BOOL CFileCopy::Copy(CString input, CString output)
- This member function copies the specified input file from the source
directory (folder) to the destination directory using the output file name.
BOOL CFileCopy::Send(CString input, CString output)
- This member function copies the specified input file to the destination
directory (folder) using the output file name. The input file must have
the full path specified.
BOOL CFileCopy::Install(CString name, BOOL*Restart)
- This member function determines whether or not the specified file needs to
be copied by checking the versions of the file in both the source and
destination directories (folders). Please note that files copied using
this member function must be compatible with the
windows API function. If the destination file already exists, it will be
renamed with a .BAK extension rather than being overwritten. If the
destination file is in use, Restart will be set to TRUE, and the actual file
copy will take place on the next computer restart.
- BOOL CFileCopy::Install(CString input, CString output,
- This member function determines whether or not the specified file needs to
be copied by checking the versions of the input file in the source directory
(folder) and the output file in the destination directory. Please note
that files copied using this member function must be compatible with the
windows API function. If the destination file already exists, it will be
renamed with a .BAK extension rather than being overwritten. If the
destination file is in use, Restart will be set to TRUE, and the actual file
copy will take place on the next computer restart.
[ CBinaryFile
| TCommandLineInfo
| CCommaFile
| TDateCtrl
| CDdeClient
| CDdeServer
[ CDirectoryLocator
| CDirectoryDialog
| CDirectoryFind
| CDirectoryNew
| TFrameWnd
[ InterfaceExcel
| CMaintFn
| CPrintFile
| CProcDialog
| TPrintDialog
| CProcPropertyPage
[ CProgress
| CRegistry
| CSDisCreate
| CSDisFile
| CSDisPage
| CSDisView
| CTableFile
[ CTaskIcon
| TPresent
| TTime
| TDate
| TDateTime
| CTransferData
| TWinApp
| CXlTable
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