Standard Library
TPrintDialog Class
This class inherits from CProcDialog and is inherited
by an application's CProcDialog classes when they perform processing that will
culminate in a print image. This class displays the
dialog box to get the printer device and initializes a display context for
- TPrintDialog::TPrintDialog(UINT ID, CWnd* Parent = NULL)
- This is the constructor. It initializes the data members.
- TPrintDialog::~TPrintDialog()
- This is the destructor. It destroys any allocated data members.
- BOOL TPrintDialog::Start()
- This public member function performs a
TPrintDialog::Start("Standard Print").
- BOOL TPrintDialog::Start(CString FunctionName)
- This member function displays a
dialog box to get the printer device and initializes a display context for
it, setting the print image name to FunctionName. It also initializes the
inherited data members to the values appropriate for the selected printer.
- void TPrintDialog::End()
- This member function ends the display context initiated with the
TPrintDialog::Start() member function.
- BOOL TPrintDialog::Page(BOOL Start = TRUE)
- This public member function starts a new page. If
TPrintDialog::PageNumber is greater than zero, it also ends the previous
page. TPrintDialog::PageNumber is incremented by this member
function. This member function is called with Start = FALSE by the
TPrintDialog::End() function, which ends the previous page
- BOOL TPrintDialog::IsPrinting
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to TRUE by a successful
call to the TPrintDialog::Start() function and FALSE by a call to
the TPrintDialog::End() function.
- int TPrintDialog::DeviceWidth
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to the width of the
current printing device in pixels by a successful call to the
TPrintDialog::Start() function.
- int TPrintDialog::DeviceHeight
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to the height of the
current printing device in pixels by a successful call to the
TPrintDialog::Start() function.
- int TPrintDialog::InchWidth
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to the width of the
current printing device in inches by a successful call to the
TPrintDialog::Start() function.
- int TPrintDialog::InchHeight
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to the height of the
current printing device in inches by a successful call to the
TPrintDialog::Start() function.
- DWORD TPrintDialog::PageNumber
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to zero by a successful
call to the TPrintDialog::Start() function and is incremented by
every call to the TPrintDialog::Page() function.
- CDC* TPrintDialog::DC
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to a pointer to the
Device Context of the current printing device by a successful call to the
TPrintDialog::Start() function.
- CPrintDialog* TPrintDialog::Printer
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to a pointer to the
dialog box used by the TPrintDialog::Start() function.
- DEVMODE* TPrintDialog::Device
- This data member may be inherited. It is set to a pointer to the
Device Mode structure of the current printing device by a successful call to the
TPrintDialog::Start() function.
[ CBinaryFile
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[ CDirectoryLocator
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[ InterfaceExcel
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| CProcDialog
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[ CProgress
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