Titus Information Systems, Inc.

Standard Library
CMaintFn Class

This base class inherits from CDialog and is inherited by an application's class to perform file maintenance on two indexed sequential files, a "master" and a "slave".  For each "master" file record, multiple "slave" file records are maintained.  The following member functions and variables are provided:

CMaintFn::CMaintFn(int ID, CWnd* Parent)
This is the constructor.  It creates the dialog window using the template with the specified ID as a child window of the specified Parent.
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnSelectReturn()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnSelectAdd()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnSelectUpdate()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnAddSelect()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnAddNext()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnAddMore()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnAddStop()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnUpdateSelect()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnUpdateNext()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnUpdateMore()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnUpdateStop()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnUpdateDelete()
afx_msg void CMaintFn::OnHelpHelp()
These public member functions handle the commands issued by the user.  In addition to changing the display of the process buttons, they call other member functions that access the data file.
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
virtual void CMaintFn::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::OnInitDialog()
These member functions may be overridden.  If so, be sure to call the base class function so that the appropriate initialization is performed.
virtual void CMaintFn::OnCancel()
virtual void CMaintFn::SetupSelect()
virtual void CMaintFn::ClearSelect()
These member functions must be overridden by the inherited class to accomplish the appropriate memory buffer initialization functions.
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::OpenFiles()
virtual void CMaintFn::CloseFiles()
These member functions must be overridden by the inherited class to accomplish the appropriate database access functions.
virtual void CMaintFn::MasterClear()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::MasterStart()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::MasterNext()
virtual void CMaintFn::MasterAdd()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::MasterUpdate()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::MasterDelete()
virtual int CMaintFn::MasterEncode()
virtual void CMaintFn::MasterDecode(BOOL Copy)
These member functions must be overridden by the inherited class to accomplish the appropriate memory buffer and database access functions for the file that is the "master" in the hierarchical relationship for the current maintenance function.
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::SlaveStart()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::SlaveRestart(BOOL Flag)
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::SlaveHasData()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::SlaveNext()
virtual void CMaintFn::SlaveEncode()
virtual void CMaintFn::SlaveDecode(BOOL Copy)
virtual void CMaintFn::SlaveClear(BOOL Copy)
virtual void CMaintFn::SlaveAdd()
virtual void CMaintFn::SlaveMore(BOOL First)
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::SlaveUpdate()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::SlaveDeleteAll()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::SlaveDelete()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::SlaveEnd()
These member functions must be overridden by the inherited class to accomplish the appropriate memory buffer and database access functions for the file that is the "slave" in the hierarchical relationship for the current maintenance function.
virtual void CMaintFn::AutoDup()
virtual void CMaintFn::ClearScreen(BOOL ClearMaster)
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::AddToFiles()
virtual BOOL CMaintFn::UpdateFiles()
virtual short CMaintFn::ValidateData()
These member functions must be overridden by the inherited class to accomplish the appropriate supporting memory buffer functions.
char CMaintFn::s
BOOL CMaintFn::c
short CMaintFn::Error
int CMaintFn::BadField, CMaintFn::i, CMaintFn::j
CString CMaintFn::Code, CMaintFn::Message
These data members may be used by the inherited function as temporary storage.
int CMaintFn::iMode, CMaintFn::FirstField, CMaintFn::DetailCount
CString CMaintFn::Mode
HACCEL CMaintFn::fkSelect, CMaintFn::fkAdd, CMaintFn::fkUpdate, CMaintFn::FunctionKeys
BOOL CMaintFn::ShowAdd, CMaintFn::ShowDelete, CMaintFn::FileFlag
These data members are used by the member functions to track the state of the maintenance function.

[ CBinaryFile | TCommandLineInfo | CCommaFile | TDateCtrl | CDDE | CDdeClient | CDdeServer ]
[ CDirectoryLocator | CDirectoryDialog | CDirectoryFind | CDirectoryNew | CFileCopy | TFrameWnd ]
[ InterfaceExcel | CPrintFile | CProcDialog | TPrintDialog | CProcPropertyPage ]
[ CProgress | CRegistry | CSDisCreate | CSDisFile | CSDisPage | CSDisView | CTableFile ]
[ CTaskIcon | TPresent | TTime | TDate | TDateTime | CTransferData | TWinApp | CXlTable ]

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