Standard Library
Command Prompt Abbreviations
Many developers, especially touch-typists, prefer to work, at least some of the
time, from a command prompt. Unfortunately, the native command suite is
sometimes tedious and awkward. The following command-prompt abbreviations
will assist the developer by streamlining repetitive tasks:
- A Attach Folder (Change to Directory)
- This is an abbreviation for the two commands, "CD \%1" and "CD".
Specify the folder to be "changed to" as a command line parameter. After
issuing the "CD \%1", the newly "changed to" folder will be listed.
If no command line parameter is specified, the "CD \%1" will not be issued,
but the present folder will be listed. To change to the root, enter a
period (.) as the command line parameter.
- CLEANDIR Clean Directory
- This abbreviation issues a DELETE for
WMIDX.CFG, FILE*.CHK, JUNK*.*, *.BAK, *.OBJ, *.LST, *.LIS, *.LOG, *.MAP, and
*.PLG. The sub-folders RELEASE and DEBUG will also be deleted if they
exist. Finally, the EXP program will be invoked to purge all "backup"
- D Standard Display
- This abbreviation invokes the SDIS program in
a FOR statement, which processes wild cards, for the file path name specified on
the command line.
- G Change to Top Level Directory
- This abbreviation changes to the top level directory that contains the
current directory and displays the new current directory. For example, if
the current directory is C:\SMITH\JONES\SAM\JOE, the new current directory will
be C:\SMITH.
- GZ Change to Directory Below Top Level
- This abbreviation changes to the top level directory that contains the
current directory, changes to the specified directory below that directory, and
displays the new current directory. For example, if the current directory
is C:\SMITH\JONES\SAM\JOE and "GZ JOHN" is specified, the new current
directory will be C:\SMITH\JOHN.
- H Change to Parent Directory
- This is an abbreviation for the two commands, "CD .." and "CD".
After issuing the "CD ..", which changes to the directory containing the
current directory, the newly "changed to" folder will be listed.
- HZ Change to Sibling Directory
- This is an abbreviation for the two commands, "CD ..\%1" and
"CD". Specify the folder to be "changed to" as a command line
parameter. After issuing the "CD ..\%1", which changes to another
directory contained by the directory that contains the current directory, the
newly "changed to" folder will be listed.
- L List
- This is an abbreviation for DIR %1/A on DOS and DIR %1/A/X on
NT. Additionally, if a file name is the second parameter, the output is
"piped" to that file.
- LD List Directories
- This is an abbreviation for DIR %1/A/D on DOS and DIR %1/A/D/X on
- LP List Pause
- This abbreviation "pipes" a DIR %1/A on DOS or a DIR %1/A/X on NT
into a temporary file and then displays it with the SDIS program.
- MEMC Display DOS Memory Map
- This is an abbreviation for MEM/C "piped" to a temporary file and displayed
with the SDIS program.
- OR Set/Change to Origin Directory
- This abbreviation sets or changes to a directory stored in the ORIGIN
environment variable. If no command line parameters are specified, the
console is changed to the directory stored in the ORIGIN environment
variable. If a directory is specified as a command line parameter, the
ORIGIN environment variable is set to the directory; then the console is changed
to that directory.
- ORZ Change to Directory Below Origin
- This abbreviation is a combination of the OR and Z abbreviations.
- P Change to Saved Directory
- This is an abbreviation for POPD on NT and OR on DOS.
- XP Translate and Print a File
- This abbreviation invokes the XPRT program in
a FOR statement, which processes wild cards, for the file path name specified on
the command line.
- Z Change to Directory Below Current
- This is an abbreviation for the two commands, "CD %1" and "CD".
After issuing the "CD %1" which changes to the directory contained by the
current directory, the newly "changed to" folder will be listed.
- ANSWER DOS Command Answer Files
- There are three files, ANSWER.YES, ANSWER.NO, and ANSWER.DIR. These
files contain a "Y", and "N", and a "D" respectively. They are useful for
input "piping" to a DOS command that requires one of these answers to an "Are
You Sure?" question.
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