Titus Information Systems, Inc.

Standard Library
CXlTable Class

An instance of this class is used by the programmer to maintain an XlTable, which is a data type sent to and retrieved from Microsoft Excel using Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE).  The public member functions and data members are as follows:

This is the constructor.  It initializes the data members.
void CXlTable::Table(BYTE* DataArea, WORD Rows, WORD Columns)
This member function initializes the specified DataArea to be an XlTable with the specified number of Rows and Columns.
void CXlTable::AddString(CString Text)
void CXlTable::AddFloat(BYTE Text[8])
void CXlTable::AddBool(BOOL Text)
void CXlTable::AddError(WORD Text)
void CXlTable::AddError(CString Text)
void CXlTable::AddBlank(WORD Count = 1)
These member functions add the specified data to the XlTable.  They add a text string, 8-byte floating point number, a Boolean value, a 16-bit non-signed integer, and Excel error indicator, and the specified number of blank cells respectively.
BYTE* CXlTable::DataArea
This data member holds the pointer to the beginning of the XlTable for use by the member functions.
DWORD CXlTable::Length
This data member holds the offset from the beginning of the XlTable of the next available location for data in the XlTable for use by the member functions.

[ CBinaryFile | TCommandLineInfo | CCommaFile | TDateCtrl | CDDE | CDdeClient | CDdeServer ]
[ CDirectoryLocator | CDirectoryDialog | CDirectoryFind | CDirectoryNew | CFileCopy | TFrameWnd ]
[ InterfaceExcel | CMaintFn | CPrintFile | CProcDialog | TPrintDialog | CProcPropertyPage ]
[ CProgress | CRegistry | CSDisCreate | CSDisFile | CSDisPage | CSDisView | CTableFile ]
[ CTaskIcon | TPresent | TTime | TDate | TDateTime | CTransferData | TWinApp ]

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