Titus Information Systems, Inc.

Standard Library
CTaskIcon Class

An instance of this class is used by an application to create and manage a task bar icon.  It is normally instantiated in the application's CWinApp class.  It manages the Shell_NotifyIcon() windows API function.

This is the default constructor.  It initializes the data members.
CTaskIcon::CTaskIcon(HWND w, UINT id, UINT msg, HICON icon, CString tip)
This constructor performs the functions of both the default constructor and the CTaskIcon::Create() member function with the corresponding parameters.
This is the destructor.  It deallocates the data members.
BOOL CTaskIcon::Create(HWND w, UINT id, UINT msg, HICON icon, CString tip)
This member function performs the functions of both the CTaskIcon::Create() and CTaskIcon::Display() member functions.
BOOL CTaskIcon::Create(HWND w, UINT id, UINT msg)
This member function creates a NOTIFYICONDATA data structure which is used by the CTaskIcon::Display() member function.  The appropriate elements of that structure are set to the values passed to this member function.
BOOL CTaskIcon::Display(HICON icon, CString tip)
This member function displays the icon on the task bar.  If an icon is already displayed, this member function changes the icon to that specified.  The tool tip for the icon is also set by this function to the string specified.
BOOL CTaskIcon::Clear()
This member function removes the icon from the task bar.

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