Titus Information Systems, Inc.

Standard Library
TFrameWnd Class

This class is inherited from CFrameWnd and includes several additional member functions and variables to provide standardization for the main frame window of all similar applications.  This class handles three sets of menus, tool bar buttons, and accelerator keys: Closed, Opened, and Printing.  The size of the frame window is designed to be compatible with the CSDisView class.  When the frame window is moved by the user, the coordinates of the new location are saved in the Registry so that the frame window is always reopened at the same position when the application is restarted.  This class changes the window title when each application function is invoked.  It handles the character editing tool bar buttons.  The member functions and variables are as follows:

This is the constructor.  It initializes the data members.
virtual TFrameWnd::~TFrameWnd()
This is the destructor.  It releases the data members.
void TFrameWnd::LoadFrame(int Frame, int Closed, int Opened, int Printing, CRegistry*Registry, CString Title)
This public member function loads menus for the ID's specified by Closed, Opened, and Printing.  It stores the those ID's for later use in loading tool bars and accelerator keys.  It saves the Registry pointer and initializes the frame window's base Title.  It then calls CFrameWnd::LoadFrame() with the ID specified in Frame, insures the frame window is shown, and sets the TFrameWnd::Up data member to TRUE.
virtual BOOL TFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
This public member function can be overridden to initialize the desired settings in CREATESTRUCT.  However, the base class is designed to set the frame window to be compatible with the CSDisView class.  This member function also sets the initial location of the window from the registry settings made by the TFrameWnd::OnMove() member function.
void TFrameWnd::Setup(char* Title, int Function)
This public member function changes the window title to be the base window title set in the TFrameWnd::LoadFrame() concatenated with Title.  Also, the TFrameWnd::CurrentFunction data member is set to Function.  Call this member function each time the user invokes a different application function.
void TFrameWnd::Reset()
This public member function changes the window title to be the base window title set in the TFrameWnd::LoadFrame() only.  Also, the TFrameWnd::CurrentFunction data member is set to zero.  Call this member function when the user closes the current application function.
void TFrameWnd::SetClosed()
This public member function sets the menu, tool bar, and accelerator keys in the frame window to those associated with the ID saved in the TFrameWnd::intClosed data member.
void TFrameWnd::SetOpened()
This public member function sets the menu, tool bar, and accelerator keys in the frame window to those associated with the ID saved in the TFrameWnd::intOpened data member.
void TFrameWnd::SetPrinting()
This public member function sets the menu, tool bar, and accelerator keys in the frame window to those associated with the ID saved in the TFrameWnd::intPrinting data member.  It also sets the TFrameWnd::CurrentFunction data member to 99.
afx_msg int TFrameWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
This member function may be overridden.  If so, be sure to call the base class, as it creates the tool bar and the status bar in the frame window.
afx_msg void TFrameWnd::OnClose()
This member function may be overridden.  If so, be sure to call the base class, as it destroys the frame window when the application is terminated.
afx_msg void TFrameWnd::OnMove(int x, int y)
This member function may be overridden.  If so, be sure to call the base class, as it saves the current position of the frame window in the Registry.  This location is used by the TFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow() member function to position the initial frame window at the same location when the application is restarted.
afx_msg void TFrameWnd::OnEditUndo()
This member function may be overridden.  If so, be sure to call the base class, as it performs the "undo" function on the dialog box control which currently has focus.
afx_msg void TFrameWnd::OnEditCut()
This member function may be overridden.  If so, be sure to call the base class, as it performs the "cut" function on the dialog box control which currently has focus.
afx_msg void TFrameWnd::OnEditCopy()
This member function may be overridden.  If so, be sure to call the base class, as it performs the "copy" function on the dialog box control which currently has focus.
afx_msg void TFrameWnd::OnEditPaste()
This member function may be overridden.  If so, be sure to call the base class, as it performs the "paste" function on the dialog box control which currently has focus.
int TFrameWnd::CurrentFunction
This public data member stores the number of the current application function.  This number should be used to determine which application function must be closed when another is opened or when the application is terminated.
BOOL TFrameWnd::Open
This public data member is set to TRUE by the TFrameWnd::SetOpened() member function and to FALSE by the TFrameWnd::SetOpened() member function.
CStatusBar TFrameWnd::StatusBar
This public data member contains the status bar for the frame window.
CToolBar TFrameWnd::ToolBar
This public data member contains the current tool bar for the frame window.
int TFrameWnd::intClosed
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the ID of the menu, tool bar, and accelerator keys to be used by the frame window when the TFrameWnd::SetClosed() member function is called.
int TFrameWnd::intFrame
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the ID of the frame window.
int TFrameWnd::intOpened
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the ID of the menu, tool bar, and accelerator keys to be used by the frame window when the TFrameWnd::SetOpened() member function is called.
int TFrameWnd::intPrinting
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the ID of the menu, tool bar, and accelerator keys to be used by the frame window when the TFrameWnd::SetPrinting() member function is called.
CMenu TFrameWnd::MenuClosed
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the menu to be displayed when the TFrameWnd::SetClosed() member function is called.
CMenu TFrameWnd::MenuOpened
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the menu to be displayed when the TFrameWnd::SetOpened() member function is called.
CMenu TFrameWnd::MenuPrinting
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the menu to be displayed when the TFrameWnd::SetPrinting() member function is called.
CRegistry* TFrameWnd::Registry
This data member may be inherited.  It contains a pointer to the CRegistry class used by the TWinApp class for the application.  The TFrameWnd::OnMove() member function uses it to store the current frame window position.
CString TFrameWnd::Text
This data member may be inherited and used to store strings temporarily.
CString TFrameWnd::Title
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the base title for the frame window and is used by the TFrameWnd::SetClosed(), TFrameWnd::SetOpened(), and TFrameWnd::SetPrinting() member functions.
BOOL TFrameWnd::Up
This data member may be inherited.  It contains the status of the frame window.  It is set to TRUE by the TFrameWnd::LoadFrame() member function.  It is set to FALSE by the TFrameWnd::OnClose() member function.

[ CBinaryFile | TCommandLineInfo | CCommaFile | TDateCtrl | CDDE | CDdeClient | CDdeServer ]
[ CDirectoryLocator | CDirectoryDialog | CDirectoryFind | CDirectoryNew | CFileCopy ]
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[ CProgress | CRegistry | CSDisCreate | CSDisFile | CSDisPage | CSDisView | CTableFile ]
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